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Day 11 A Timely Mindset

A Timely Mindset

We have all heard the expression “why put off tomorrow what can be done today”. The Bible says in proverbs 6:4 “Don’t put it off; do it now! Don’t rest until you do. “ Do you realize you’ve had a lot of yesterdays in your lifetime. There seems to be a big misconception about time. We somehow whimsically say “I will do it tomorrow”. Have you began to notice that tomorrow gets here faster than we expect. So our dreams, healing, businesses, ministries etc... sleep and wait for another tomorrow. The truth is what you sow today is what you reap tomorrow. So it’s already a promise that if you didn’t make a move today you will not see any results tomorrow. This week we have been discussing the mindset of a warrior. Joshua in the battle of Jericho was not just obedient but timely. The smallest details have the most impact in battle and in life. Your future successes are wrapped in your daily routines (Dr. Micheal Murdock). Joshua 6:10 Joshua had commanded the army, “Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout. Then shout”. Can I tell you the planning that led to their tomorrow victory under our Lord was planned in their yesterday. If the Lord gave you the vision and the seed today, start the work today! Keep in mind tomorrow will also turn into yesterday. Be timely!!


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