God says so! This challenge has examined some things in us that needed to be changed or finessed. We know the mind is truly the battleground!!! The comfort comes from knowing it is indeed a fixed fight. John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Is the instruction given clear but your trying to make it logical in your own eyes. When I was a child I can remember asking my mom “why” after being told to do something. Not only would I get the evil eye but she would say “because I said so”. Sometimes the instruction is “God says so”. No logic or reason you can possibly understand. So move because God says so! Start the ministry because God says so! Trust that your children’s success is written because God says so! That last one was for myself. As we are drawing to a close I want you to know there is no greater resource than God. It’s my passion to instruct people and ...